DST63504- Intro to pattern drafting and garment making, Assignment 02: Basic fitted garments


For the assignment 2,  collar pattern had to be drafted based on the half neck measurement of the front and back bodice of the boxboard from assignment 1.

underarm dart position: 

Then based on  the box board, the shirt pattern is drafted on mahjong paper and seam allowances are added. 
side seams: 2cm 
shoulder seams: 1 cm
neckline: 1 cm 
armhole: 1 cm 
hem: 3 cm 
center front opening: 3 cm
Above is the pattern layout of the  shirt. 
it includes one stand collar and the actual collar, one sleeve, one back bodice and two front bodices with a center front opening. 

Making up of the shirt:

application of collar
Hem of the sleeve (invisible hand stitch)

Hem of the shirt (invisible hand stitch)


Above is the skirt patter for which the back pattern will be in two pieces with a center back opening where invisible zipper will be applied. 
Front pattern will be places on the folded calico fabric with the grainline parallel to the selvedge of the fabric. (refer to the pattern marking place on fold)

Front view 

Back view

side view

collar view

Front darts

Back darts with invisible zipper
